Lihit Lab 直立動物筆袋 PuniLabo Stand Pen case

款式 Style



日本進口 LIHIT LAB PuniLabo 可愛動物造型直立式伸縮鉛筆盒(小尺寸) 重量輕盈好攜帶,很適合當作聖誕節禮物。 裡面最多可放置15支筆與1個橡皮擦。 底座往下壓,就可以變成站立的筆筒。 材質:矽橡膠 款式:柴犬、黑貓、灰貓、花貓、企鵝、豬、爹利犬、熊貓、熊、鸚鵡、白老鼠、虎貓、水獺、青蛙、白兔 重量:160g 尺寸:6cm X 6cm X 19.6cm Give your pens an adorable new home with this cute and innovative pencil case by a Japanese company Lihit Lab. It can be quickly transformed into a pencil holder that will look super adorable on your desk! Simply pop up the bottom of the pencil case by pressing it down on a desk, and - viola - your pen holder is ready to be used! The pen case is made out of soft silicone that is comfortable to the touch and easy to clean with water. Size: 6cm x 6cm x 19.6cm Style: Dog, Black Cat, Grey Cat, White Cat, Penguin, Pig, Boston Terrier, Panda, Bear, Parakeet, Rat, Tiger Cat, Otter, Frog and Rabbit Material: soft silicone Manufacturer: Lihit Lab

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