Pilot Capless decimo Special Edition 系列 18K 按掣式 墨水筆 特別版 Fountain Pens

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Capless系列是全球第一枝由「PILOT」製的按掣式墨水筆款式。 現已推出最新一代「Decimo」,比其前任產品更輕盈纖細,重量更輕的Capless Decimo將更受歡迎。 產地:日本 筆身材質:金屬鋁,鍍銠筆夾 筆尖材質:750/18K金鍍銠 筆尖粗細:M or F (please specify 請註明) 配:原裝吸墨器+原裝筆盒 Pilot Capless series was the first retractable fountain pen in the world! A unique design that allows the 18k gold nib and ink reservoir to be fully retracted at the click of a button (in much the same way as most ball pens).
