SAKURA Ballsign iD plus 0.4 及0.5 中性原子筆 Ballpen

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SAKURA Ballsign iD plus中性筆榮獲2022年日本文房具屋大賞。共有三種不同的黑色,包括純黑、夜黑、森林黑,用家可以在微細嘅差異中搵到自己心愛嘅黑色。原子筆的設計重心偏低,書寫更加穩定順暢,筆管六角形嘅設計,防止原子筆放於平面桌上容易滾動。 SAKURA Ballsign iD plus ball pens just received 2022 Japan Stationery Award of the year. This is a gel pen that can only write different blacks, and it won the grand prize of this year's stationery awards, which is really unexpected. What makes it unique is its ink color, which is free from the single traditional black. Three different black inks are set, namely midnight black, forest black, and pure black. Everyone can choose the preferred black color for writing. The entire pen has a frosted shell with a glossy metal clip, which looks very textured. In order to prevent the pen from rolling when placed on the desktop, the pen body is designed as a flat cylinder, and the center of gravity of the pen body is lowered, making the grip more comfortable for writing.

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