Tombow 蜻蜓牌雙頭彩色點點水筆 Playcolor Dot

款式 Set



獨有雙筆頭設計,含細筆頭及印章頭 細筆頭(0.3mm): 特幼筆頭,幼體、粗體、點或線都能應付自如,適合用於筆記及日記上 印章頭(5mm): 只需輕輕一壓便能蓋印,同時亦適用於畫粗線條 適合各類一般學習、書寫、繪圖、填色、設計、蓋印 水溶性墨水顏色飽和,不會沾污間尺邊緣 備有單支、3色及12色套裝,任君選擇 Double tip water-based ink marker featuring a round stamp tip (5 mm diameter) to draw dots and 0.3mm ultrafine tip. The round stamp tip offers soft colors and the ultrafine tip of 0.3 mm is available in clear bright colors. Enjoy combining dots and lines of different colors. Featuring a round stamp tip of 5 mm in diameter. Use it vertically against the paper to draw dots or use the side of the tip to draw thick lines. The stamp type round tip can create various fun patterns. The ultrafine tip allows detailed drawing and writing small letters neatly. The color used for this tip is darker than that of the round stamp tip.
