日本 [SEED] 伊勢神宮御山杉膠擦 Seed Radar Jingu-miyamasugi Eraser



⛩️樹齡300年以上の御神木を使用 🔸位於三重縣伊勢市的伊勢神宮,被譽為眾神社之首,在日本人心中的地位極為崇高,也是一生必到參拜的聖地。 🔸SEED Radar的「神宮御山杉膠擦」,木紙封套採自伊勢神宮內樹齡達三百年以上的神宮御山杉神木製成。由於宮內神木非常珍貴而且是受保護的,因此這皆是從颱風過後倒下的神木挑選出來加工,而天然的木紋和木色也是獨一無二,為內心帶來平和恬靜,別具收藏意義。 註:木紙封套纖薄,使用久了或會纖維破損。每件款式各不同,會隨機出貨。 ▪ 包裝尺寸:約 92 x 20 x 57 mm Seed Eraser Radar Jingu Miyama cedar radar Shira Wood pattern EP-SMS is a radar eraser using the precious "Jingu Miyama sugi" of more than 300 years of age in the case. You can also enjoy the texture and aroma unique to the Shrine Miyama sugi, and the fragrance calms your mind. Because it is a tree that lived in Ise Grand Shrine, which is also famous as a power spot, it is a tree that has lived for more than 300 years, so it is a very welcome eraser that seems to happen just by having a profit of 300 years!
