派克復刻款18K金原子筆 Parker 51 Deluxe Black GT Ballpoint




復刻【派克51】,20世紀的傑作通過今時今日的鋼筆加工技術實現了現代複興。原子筆版有18k黑金。 派克51誕生於公元1941年,集成了派克研究書寫系統而開發出的多項核心技術,外形參照了二戰時期的戰鬥機,有著獨特的美感。最終派克世紀於上世紀七十年代停產,世紀生產週期約37年,合計問世2000萬餘支。第二次世界大戰中,盟軍總司令艾森豪威爾在歐洲戰線停戰協議的簽字用筆就是派克51。派克創始人之子,小派克先生在學開飛機時獲得了靈感,以美國野馬戰鬥力為靈感,設計了派克51的造型。各項先進的工業設計和考究的外觀都用在了這款產品上,最後使它成為20世紀全世界最受歡迎的鋼筆。 Parker 51 Deluxe Black GT Ballpoint Pen History: The Parker 51 is as groundbreaking today as it was when first launched in 1941. This unique writing instrument is inspired by the pen once hailed as the ‘world’s most wanted’ - retaining its streamlined silhouette, distinctive hooded nib, and range of stunning bold colors, it truly is a modern take on the original. Kenneth Parker’s influence was ever present in the concept, design, and marketing of Parker 51. Aviation was a common feature in Parker’s advertising due to Kenneth’s passion for the industry. When first launched, it was described as ‘a pen from another planet’.

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